We like to provide a number of projects to show off capabilities and just to scratch our technology curiosity itch. EDPF Project: Embedded Device Prototyping Framework Embedded Device Prototyping Framework (EDPF) is an embedded device rapid prototyping framework. A lot of time and effort can be spent simply establishing communication back and forth from a host PC to an embedded device uPC. This framework establishes a base infrastructure that removes much of that plumbing work off the backs of developers/designers/hobbyists/etc… Pi-Py-Ardu-Pong Project: Combining Raspberry Pi, Python, Arduino, and Pong Pi-Py-Ardu-Pong is a video game project that combines many technologies of the electronic maker-space community. It is a 4 player pong like game, that in addition to having more players than the traditional pong, has more bouncing balls and therefore more action. Players also get to launch the balls, so there is more of an offensive element with this game compared to the traditional Pong…